Sacred Fellowship/Worship
What To Expect When You Arrive
Sundays at 10am
Our values-based (rather than belief-based) service is about an hour or so, and includes inclusive and non-hierarchical liturgies and language, meaningful hymns, lovely music selections by the choir(s) and organist, a non-literal and mytho-poetic approach to scripture, and a thought-provoking, inspiring, and engaging sermon or polylogue (where everyone can ask questions or make comments). The Sacrament of Holy Communion is shared on the first Sunday of each month, and is open to everyone (regardless of religious persuasion or spirituality) who seeks to be a part of a community dedicated to growing love among us.
You may come as you are, be affirmed that you matter, sing songs intended to deepen your spirit, hear and/or share stories of compassion and kindness among the congregation, share prayer requests and joys, meditate in silence and hear a pastoral prayer, find spiritual strength in messages that will challenge you to grow in character and faith, meet people with similar values while having a diversity of beliefs, and be inspired by the Spirit to do your part to help make the world a better place.
Afterwards is a time of fellowship, treats and drinks, and the opportunity to meet the pastor and others who want to get to know you, your interests and passions, and learn about your gifts that you may wish to share with others.
Where to go
Our address on the Paxton Common is: 1 Church Street; Paxton, MA 01612.
There is ample parking across the street (Church St. & Richards Ave.) from the Church. There are other parking spaces surrounding and near to the church.
The Church Street entrance has a lift to offer accessibility for all.
During nice weather, you can expect to be greeted at the opened front doors and are always welcome at Fellowship Hour downstairs immediately following worship.
The pastor or other member of the church will be glad to take you on a tour of the church.
We are blessed with a talented two-person music team in our Director of Music and Organist. The Music Ministry is a strong and diverse program that includes the Adult Choir; Joy Singers, middle/high school youth; and Grace Notes, elementary/middle school youth.  The Adult Choir participates weekly in the Sunday Worship Service and the youth choirs participate several Sundays each year.
Special Services
Advent - Creche - Christmas Eve Candlelight - Epiphany - Martin Luther King, Jr. Sunday - Health and Human Services Sunday - Science & Technology Sunday - Racial Justice Sunday - Ash Wednesday - Amistad Sunday - Palm Sunday - Maundy Thursday - Good Friday - Sunrise on the bridge at Moore State Park - Easter Celebration - Earth Day - Youth Sunday - Children’s Sunday - Mental Health Sunday - Pentecost Sunday - Blessing of the Animals - Just Peace Sundayh - Rally Day - Just Peace Sunday - Indigenous American Sunday - World Communion Sunday - All Saints/Remembrance Sunday - Stewardship Sunday
We look forward to getting to know you, and welcome you into this family of faith!
Sunday School
Up to Age 4
For Kids using the Nursery/Toddler room, each year parents must complete a Nursery/Toddler Permission form, which is kept on file in the room with your child. In addition children must be signed in and out by either a parent or someone who has received authority from the parents. Parents drop off children to the Nursery/Toddler room (located downstairs off of Fellowship Hall).
Ages 4 - 11
The Kindergarten through 6th Grade classes use the Spark Active Faith Sunday School curriculum, published by Augsburg Fortress. This curriculum guides the teachers and Kids in developing their faith together with age appropriate Bible stories, activities and prayers. The Sunday School program is an opportunity for Kids to learn about Christian values, and see those values reflected in the caring adults who staff the program.
7th & 8th GRADE
Ages 12 - 13
The 7th and 8th grade class learns lessons based on Middle School Talksheet discussions, published by Zondervan, as well as other lessons developed by the Christian Education Director. The Talksheet lessons provide a springboard for discussions on real life issues which are connected to scripture and teachings from the Bible.
Want to join a study?
Christian Education as a child and adult is an integral part of one’s faith development. It provides an opportunity for us to gather in fellowship and to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus by studying God’s Word. We are able to seek the relevance of the Scripture in our lives and to gain the support of others in our faith community. Christian education is an essential aspect of our entire faith journey.
Aside from Sunday School, we consistently offer different faith exploration classes or groups for adults. Find the one you are most drawn to, or attend them all. Check our Calendar for upcoming classes and Sunday School!