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About the First Congregational Church

A Paxton Landmark

The Puritans living in the area now known as Paxton, settled around 1748, were residents of either Leicester or Rutland.  In order to attend worship services, they had to travel long distances of rough terrain to attend worship services in Leicester and Rutland. 


It took years of petitioning, Governor Francis Bernard signed the legislation on February 12, 1765, authorizing the Parish and District of Paxton, containing four square miles from equal portions of Rutland and Leicester (thanks Rutland and Leicester!!). 


Because the basis for establishing Paxton rested on a religious necessity, organization became an urgent matter.  The first warrant was issued on February 25, 1765, followed by the first town meeting, and, by April 1, approval for building a Meetinghouse was voted.

That Meetinghouse would eventually become the First Congregational Church and 250 years later we still hold Sunday Services for anyone who decides to join us.


What We Believe

We are the United Church of Christ which is a progressive, affirming, welcoming denomination

We believe in the Trinity. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are one. We are a community of people united in Christ through worship, work, and witness. The mission of our Church is to work for justice and to establish God’s Kingdom in the world.

Our Staff

Paxton UCC's members are its ministers. These are the folks that help them.


Cindy Shea


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Stephanie Dozois

Christian Education/Youth Ministry Director


Steve Barnicle

Music Director

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Desiree Tedford

Administrative Assistant

(508) 756-2818

©2021 by First Congregational Church of Paxton.

Designed by Chatham Oaks

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